कितने Visitors क्या मुझे यह करना ज़रूरी है पैसा बनाएं When I tell someone that मैं एक पूर्णकालिक ब्लॉगर हूँ, 90% of the time they ask, And you can पैसा बनाएं from that?"

And I confess that this question still amazes me at least at first). Because it is now self-evident to me that this is possible:

Being a “ब्लॉगर” or “influencer” has evolved from a hobby into a serious profession and business model in the last decade. It is not for nothing that there are more and more ब्लॉगर who can earn an extra income with their blog or even make a living from it.

In the following I will show you Best tips पैसा बनाएं online with ब्लॉगिंग. With tips, examples and their advantages and disadvantages:

1. Google AdSense पैसा कमाए

One of the easiest ways to पैसा बनाएं from your blog is with Google AdSense.

यह इस तरह काम करता है

You embed a snippet of code in your blog (e.g. in a widget in the sidebar). An advertisement will then be placed at this point. When a visitor clicks on one of the ads, you get money (usually between €0.10 and $0.80 per click, in some cases even more).

Google provides over a dozen different ad sizes (including ads that adjust to screen size), so there should be a size that fits every blog.

We currently only earn a कुछ सौ यूरो with it. But I know some bloggers who even earn four-digit amounts a month with it. But this usually requires a पृष्ठ दृश्यों की बहुत अधिक संख्या (at least 200,000, if not more) and a large number of ads on the blog.

  1. एकीकृत करने में आसान
  2. Responsive ads for मोबाइल उपकरणों
  3. Ads automatically adapt to the interests of your readers
  4. महीने के payment of earnings
  5. Extensive statistics to optimize user action
  1. In order for something to get around, you usually need a आगंतुकों की बड़ी संख्या
  2. Makes loading times worse
  3. Often blocked by एडब्लॉकर्स and increasingly ignored by readers
  4. Must be mentioned in the गोपनीयता नीति and requires the display of a cookie notice

2. बाजार विज्ञापन Banners Directly

As an alternative to Google AdSense, you can also sell advertising banners on your blog yourself (so-called "direct marketing"). यदि आपको स्थायी मिल गया है advertising partner, this can be more tolerable than Google AdSense or अन्य प्रदर्शन नेटवर्क।
That this can work very well is Martin who earns around €600 a month by renting विज्ञापन बैनर.

  1. Sकभी-कभी उच्च आय संभव than with Google AdSense
  2. Usually not recognized by adblockers
  3. Does not have to be mentioned in the data protection declaration and does not require the कुकी नोटिस का प्रदर्शन
  4. लोड समय पर थोड़ा प्रभाव (for image-only ads)
  1. You have to find a suitable advertising partner yourself
  2. Is not well tailored to the interest of your visitors
  3. Classic banner विज्ञापन की तेजी से अनदेखी की जा रही है by visitors

4. सहबद्ध-कार्यक्रम

Affiliate programs are also a great way to make money from your blog. The principle is very simple: You include an affiliate link in your blog. If a आगंतुक इस लिंक पर क्लिक करता है और कुछ ऑर्डर करता है on the linked website (e.g. from an online shop) or registers for something (e.g. a newsletter or a competition), तब आपको क्रेडिट मिलेगा for this order or registration a commission.

The amount of the commission depends on the product area. For electronics you get z. B. often only between 1 and 4% commission, since the margins are quite small there. For digital products such as B. software, e-books or similar, you can get 30% - 60% commission. Affiliate programs in the financial sector also grant high commissions.

The most popular and well-known ब्लॉगर्स के बीच संबद्ध कार्यक्रम and website owners is probably the Amazon affiliate program. It is also well suited for beginners, since the integration of partner links in your own blog is very easy. Amazon also offers products from pretty much every area. Unfortunately, the commissions are comparatively low and the one-day cookie runtime is not particularly long.