okay I'm just gonna cut straight into

this because this is huge helium just

released their new 5G Miners and with

these miners you're able to make an

extra three thousand dollars a month

under the low end doing nothing but the

thing is we need to take advantage of

this right now because we don't have a

lot of time and if you watch the whole

video through I'll be showing you

exactly how I'm able to make that much

and everything you need to know so you

can too now if you don't know this

already helium is working on their new

5G component basically they wanted to

provide coverage for everyone via 5G

they raised over 200 million dollars

they're partnered with T-Mobile they're

doing really big things but the thing is

it's not easy to do these big things so

they need people like us to provide

coverage with our Miners and they're

paying a lot of money for it if you guys

were around in crypto last year when

helium released her older hotspot miners

you guys know just how big that got

people were making an extra 500 to a

thousand dollars every single month with

these miners legit people who knew

nothing about crypto or buying these

Miners and making crazy money off of it

too to the point where these miners were

sold out everywhere and they were going

for double triple the prices on eBay and

people were still buying them because

they knew the potential it had but over

time as more and more people got them

the rewards went lower and lower I think

my old hot spots making like a dollar a

day or something like that but just

think of all that money people were

making early on but times 10 with these

new 5G miners because these are on a

whole new level now I already told this

to a couple people but they're just

brushing it off like it's nothing big

but hopefully you guys understand just

how early and new this is like for

example there are only 5 000 of these

new 5G miners out there compared to

almost 1 million from last year's Miners

and to put into perspective how fast

it's growing I got mine last week when

they were only at 4 600 Miners and right

now they're sitting at close to 5600 at

the time of this recording things are

moving extremely fast and we all know

how the game works whoever is early

always makes the most and I don't know

about you guys but I've missed out on a

lot of stuff in my journey and this will

might be one of them so in today's video

I'm going to be talking about how you

can make an extra three thousand dollars

a month on the low end with these miners

where you can get these miners how to

set them up and some things you should

know before you move forward all right

like I mentioned I got mine last week

and I know a lot of people are curious

where you can get these miners so for me

I got mine off helium deploy.io now you

guys don't have to get your miners to

them there's a couple other websites

they just looked a little sketch to me

but for me this one had the best reviews

and their shipping time I think it was

like two days so I just went with them

now luckily for you guys I was able to

get in contact with them and I was able

to you know sweet talk my way in and I

was able to get a 25 off coupon so if

you guys do choose to go through them

all you have to do is use a promo code

f825 and that'll save you 25 like I said

it's completely up to you you can go

through anyone prices are the same

everywhere I just had a really good

experience with that alright so how much

can you really make off these helium 5G

miners now on the helium deploy website

they actually have an estimator that

tells you how much helium or how much

money you can really make off these

miners so right now one minor costs

about twenty five hundred dollars but

look at this you can make almost three

thousand dollars back in a single month

basically you're making your money back

in less than a month pretty much which

is an insane Roi no other investment can

you make your money back in less than a

month now if we go to the two antenna

pack the price is a little higher it's

close to four thousand but you can make

fifty eight hundred dollars a month and

if we go to three antennas that's fifty

three hundred and you can make close to

eighty eight hundred dollars a month now

one thing you guys need to take into

account when looking at the monthly

return is the mobile price token now the

token is currently priced at point zero

zero four cents now that ultimately

determines how much you'll make every

single month obviously but one thing to

know is that this mobile token price

it's not out yet this this token is not

released so this is all an estimate now

I'm gonna talk more about that later in

the video but for the purposes of right

now the mobile token price is point zero

zero four cents and this is not just any

random price this is what many people

are trading it on the peer-to-peer

market and this is what a lot of people

are estimating the price to be when

mobile token releases so even if we

let's say go back to the single Miner

which is 24.99 if we even cut this in

half and let's say the price releases at

.002 cents you're still making 14.66 per

month which basically means you're going

to Roi in less than two months or let's

say for example you go down to 0.001

cents that's 733 733 a month which you

would Roi and probably two to three

months and you guys need to understand

700 a month off a single Miner is

already insane then the fact that you

can return on your investment in less

than three months is already very very

crazy so let's say for example

um you know mobile token releases and

it's a lot more than .004 let's say it

goes to point zero zero eight cents

that's when it releases that five

thousand eight hundred and six sixty six

dollars a month if we whip out the

calculator if we do

5866 times 12. that's 70 000 a year off

just one minor that's that's one's a

yearly salary you're making off this now

I don't want to take a look at how much

you would make if you had three antennas

seventeen thousand dollars a month if we

multiply seventeen thousand times twelve

two hundred thousand dollars a year now

I don't wanna you know inflate these

numbers or anything now remember this is

all an estimate I'm just showing you the

potential these helium miners have now

right now we're in what's known as The

Genesis phase now you can think of this

like a pre-launch before the coin drops

where you can make an enormous amount of

money like this is where the most mobile

tokens will be released now I'm

currently on the Bobcat Miner this is

like a huge partner with helium so

everything they do is is it's super

legit but on their website they have the

Genesis face so there's currently 48

days left in the Genesis phase and

they're actually the ones that release

the estimated price of 0.004 cents

that's why a lot of people are like okay

this has to be what um the coin will be

one is released because Bobcat is such a

huge thing but down here they do uh

mention uh I think they mentioned down

here that it is an estimate and that we

shouldn't take that into account and

this is just another place where you can

see the earnings of mobile token um with

that current price so if you have an

indoor Miner it's around 47 if you you

have an outdoor Miner which is any one

of these they're considered outdoor

miners it's 118 per day and if you have

the daily High Gain outdoor that's

basically the three pack now to give

more context of exactly what the Genesis

phase is uh helium released a tweet over

here saying you know are they starting

the Genesis phase mobile mining is

almost here a quick update everything

you need to know so if you scroll down

here they basically give more

information on the mobile token over

here it says during the Genesis phase

100 mobile tokens per day will be

distributed to network Builders with an

active 5G hotspot which is any one of

these over here

um these over here this is just the shop

page but if you have any of those you're

eligible for a hundred million tokens

per day now this gets distributed

amongst everyone but this is something

that is certain doesn't matter where

your Miner is it doesn't matter what

location is how how much um what is the

coverage you get you'll get a piece of

the 100 million every single day during

this Genesis phase that's why I

mentioned this is a very crucial and

early time period because once this

Genesis phase ends we don't really know

how much mobile tokens will get after

right now all we know is it's extremely

extremely valuable and the amount of

mobile tokens you get is extremely high

if we also go over to uh I think helium

released a blog post this is basically

saying say hello to mobile Mobile's here

the wait is over mobile rewards are live

this basically gives more information on

the hot spots it talks about how the

previous one where there was 900 000 of

the previous one what you can get with

this new mobile miners so they have the

indoor miners you can mine which is you

know easier it doesn't need to be

outside and then you also have the

outdoor ones which is a little more

difficult for the setup process which to

stay over here but you can also make a

lot more with these ones and then if we

scroll down some more they they gave

some pictures of exactly these miners in

action so these are outdoor miners this

is an indoor mine over here but

basically these are outdoor miners

earning mobile tokens every single day

and if we scroll down some more we can

see the same thing over here where it

says 100 million mobile tokens will

release every day

um if you scroll down some more it's

just more FAQs if you guys are

interested how long will it last now I

think this blog post was released but

before this Bobcat page went live so we

now have a date as 48 days until

um the Genesis phase is over also if we

look at the helium Explorer website this

is how many 5G radios or 5G miners are

out there currently as I said there's

about 5600 up around 1700 miners just 31

days alone there's 3 300 indoor and

22.90 outdoor now obviously Outdoors

where a lot more money can be made and

you kind of want this a little lower

because the lower it is the more money

you can make from it now if we go back

real quick over here we can see that

there's 959

000 close to a million uh previous hot

spots these were the the miners from

last year's batch if we look at the 5G

radios only 5600 just goes to show how

early we really are so everything we

know right now is the Genesis phase ends

in 48 days this is the period where we

can make the most amount of mobile

tokens and is guaranteed to us

um right now we don't necessarily know

the price of mobile token but a lot of

people are saying once this Genesis

Genesis period ends we'll get an

estimate of what the mobile token is and

you know you can start trading it on

other exchanges but we don't know for

sure but that's just what people say for

me I personally am not too worried about

the price I think in time the price will

do really well because if we go to coin

market cap real quick and just pull up

the price of helium

um we saw a huge growth for the price of

helium we went all the way from

0.29 census when it's released all the

way up to a high of 52 dollars now I

don't even want to imagine what how much

that would be worth with the amount of

mobile tokens if you're getting 733

000 mobile tokens a month that's just

beyond comprehensible

um so I for me is it's a huge risk for

for everyone this is a risk because we

don't know what the price will be but I

think this is a very very calculated

risk mainly because we have helium

behind it they partner with T-Mobile

which is already a really big company

um Bobcats talking about it but I just

want to show you real quick if you guys

are interested in buying this all you're

going to do is go to the shop future

products and you're going to end up

buying one of these three um these are

the the minor antennas you need both of

them they have these individually this

you don't really need they have these

individual you don't buy them

individually because you need both of

them so either this one this one or this

one I personally bought the the single

one first because I just want to make

sure everything works and you know

everything is good and then once

everything is up and running and I'm

earning mobile tokens I think I'm gonna

upgrade to either one of these two now I

know the prices on these are pretty

steep like twenty five hundred four

thousand fifty three hundred dollars are

are no joke when when you're putting up

for investment but just remember on the

back end these are the estimates you can

make you're pretty much making your

money back and on a little cherry on top

you get 25 off if you use a promo code

it's nothing but at least it's something

I'm gonna see maybe if I can get more

for you guys but um at least it's

something now as far as the setup

process I'm not gonna lie it's not the

easiest but it is a hundred percent

doable on the website they walk you

through everything you need to know and

how you can set this up step by step

they actually make it very simple for

anyone to do I'd say maybe set aside

like an hour maybe two Max for the set a

time now a majority of this time will

actually go into setting up the antenna

Outdoors because this will be an outdoor

Miner so you'll need like a roof or a

balcony that you can install this on now

I might have a workaround for those of

you that don't have a roof or a balcony

but I'll keep you guys updated on how it

goes but overall anyone can do this it's

not that Technical and one thing to know

is that this is only available for

people in the US anyone outside

unfortunately does not have access to

make money off this Miner but I think

helium deploys working on something

where you can host it with someone in

the US but you could just look more into

that if you are someone from outside of

the country now as far as what I'm

making with these miners I had a little

bit of issue when I got mine so I had to

send that one back and they sent me

another one now the process for Freedom

fight or the mining Network to actually

accept you it takes like a day or two so

right now I'm waiting for that so maybe

if I get accepted before I post this

video I'll put a clip showing how much

I'm earning like right over here if not

I'll make an update video later in the

week but that is it for today's video

like I said the key to making money with

anything is to be early and I think

we're extremely early to this now if you

choose to get one of these miners

remember you can get 25 off if you use

the promo code f825 but remember this

one thing although you can make these

crazy numbers they are still estimates

no one really knows what the price of

this mobile coin will be when it's

launched so that is a risk and you need

to take that into account for me that's

something I'm willing to make a bet on

because even if I make like 25 000

mobile tokens a day I know that'll

definitely be worth something in the

future where if I need to I can always

just sell that but that's all I have for

you guys today let me know if you guys

have any questions down in the comment

section below or you can message me on

Instagram I'll probably be posting more

about my earnings on there once it's all

up and running as always I hope you guys

have a great rest of your day and I'll

see you guys in next week's video peace
