hey guys what's going on Welcome Back to  the channel and this is going to be a  comparison video of Luna 2.0 and Terra  Luna classic so Guys these are the like  top two trending coins right now uh two  of these coins are trending on coin  market cap literally daily so I think  there is a lot of hype regarding both of  these coins so I decided to make a  comparison video of uh which one to buy  which one is better and which one is  much uh better for long-term holding  which one could sustain the overall  crypto markets and which one of these  will die so if you have these questions  in your mind then this video is all for  you  so let's get started so guys Tara Luna  which is also known as Luna 2.0 which is  the new chain of the original chain and  the original chain was called the Luna  which was later named to Luna classic  which is now the literally everyone's  favorite crypto and the new crypto is  called Luna Luna 2.0 Terra Luna and we  are seeing some nice relief rally in  Luna 2.0 I mean Luna 2.0 we can see that  Luna 2.0 is up 17 percentage on the day  but now the question is is this  sustainable is this really  um like good compared to the Luna  classic guys the clear answer is no Luna  2.0 is not the coin that you want to  hold for long because I don't think this  thing has any future Luna 2.0 definitely  does not have any future because this  coin is still owned by dokwon and nobody  likes to trust no Quan dokwan is a  fraudster con artist so literally  if this coin is still run by him I'm  never gonna put I'm never gonna put my  money into this but Terra Luna classic  is something that interests me and  that's why I'm holding this crypto so  now let's now let's compare the the the  the various statistics of this coin side  by side so we can get an idea  so if we see here uh Luna 2.0 has a  market capitalization market cap of  459 million  which is four times less than the market  cap of Luna classic which is uh 1.9  billion so you you can of you can see  the difference this is obvious this is  very apparent that uh Luna classic is  four times bigger than Terra Luna 2.0  and this is because  Luna tube I mean Luna 2.0 is a new  project and nobody likes to and nobody  trusts dokwan so nobody is gonna put  their money into Luna 2.0 and I don't  know who are these people buying this  maybe these are some whales or someone  who is hoping that this crypto will make  a money but I don't know like to me uh  in my opinion I think Luna classic is a  better crypto because this is run by the  community and yeah this is actually  pretty good the UST is also getting back  to a dollar pack which is really good  which is making me believe that we could  later or sooner see some nice price uh  movement in Luna classic so that's the  thing  and if we just look at the circulating  Supply a lunar classic has a circulating  supply of uh  6.8 trillion tokens which was earlier  around 6.95 trillion tokens so we have  definitely saw  a significant uh burn or or reduction in  the circulating supply of lunar classic  but looking at the circulating supply of  and lunar 2.0 there are 160  166 million tokens but I don't think uh  this this is something that we should be  caring about because the total Supply is  still over a billion  so yeah you know  well moving down take a look at this  wait let me show you something so this  is Luna 2.0 and this is the all-time low  in this coin which is 1.53 cents and we  and the all-time low was on uh 29th  August 2022 about a month ago and the  the price was at 1.53 cents and we are  up 80 percentage from its all-time low  and now let's go back to Terra Luna 2.0  and if we see here  the all-time low in the Luna classic  was at this price zero point then we  have four five six zeros uh triple nine  nine sixty seven  and this price was on May 13 2022 about  five months ago and we are up a whopping  28 000 percentage which is  20 uh which is 285 times profit from its  all-time low so those who were lucky to  get Luna classic at this price have  already 285 times their initial  investment which is really awesome  so you guys see the difference uh lunar  classic is actually much better crypto  uh in my opinion to hold for the long  term compared to the Luna 2.0 which I  really don't like because this is still  a run by dokwon who I don't trust no  more and I'm not gonna let him play with  my money no more well I think Luna  classic is the crypto to go we have some  great news coming up for Luna classic  and there are some good news going on  with Luna classic the Luna Classics  ustc stable coin repack could be much  easier than we thought and the lfg  organization currently holds 1.8 billion  1.8 billion USD usdc on their reserves  and not only that but the Oracle pool  has 1.2 billion as well so if they both  together  burned 3 billion I mean they can burn 30  percentage of the current  ustc stable coin Supply which will  actually make this crypto Luna classic  and and the UST will also go back to uh  will be will go higher  so it's gonna take a Luna classic to new  heights it's gonna literally Skyrocket  lunar classic  and this is the big this is the major  Catalyst for lunar classic coin which is  actually exciting me a lot and this is  the why and this is the reason why I'm  adding more to my Luna classic  Investments which is really awesome this  is the crypto I would like to go  and we have bad news for Luna 2.0  holders but this is not to scare anyone  or create fun or anything this is just  my personal opinion and take a look at  this news article what Duke one did so  Joe Quan continues cashing out of Tara  while investors remain hopeful  you see this dokon is cashing out of  Terra loop I mean Terror 2.0 and while  investors are remaining hopeful now this  is the big  now this is something really wrong that  I see with Luna 2.0 because dokon still  has control over do not 2.0 Terra Luna  so he can anytime cash out the profits  when he want and he is right now running  away from uh governments worldwide  the Interpol has a I mean the interval  has issued a arrest warrant against him  so he is in big trouble and he is uh  actually  uh he is actually uh concluded guilty so  you know that  what's gonna happen to him is the future  of Luna 2.0 basically  and the on-chain record suggests that  terraform lab CEO and co-founder dokwan  has been Cashing Out Terra Luna to a  binance wallet while selling the new  coin on Twitter  now that's really concerning  so dokwan continues to Shilling Luna 2.0  the future of Luna classic and Luna  so yeah  but I think Luna classic has actually a  better future I mean if you're saying  Luna classic is dead I will say you  might be wrong but if you say luna  classic is  uh also that I will say you're right  so Luna I mean Luna 2.0 has no future  Luna classic is the coin that's I'm  gonna that I'm gonna hold  so guys that was all for this video I  hope you enjoyed this if you did make  sure drop a like subscribe to the  channel and I'll be right back another  video till then keep learning keep  investing bye bye see you later peace