yes welcome back everybody to altcoin  daily my name's Austin  in today's video I'm going to share with  you six cryptocurrencies altcoins that I  think are set to do very very well in  2023. now some on this list may be  obvious to you yet others may surprise  you so make sure you watch the whole  video and really pay attention to the  reasoning behind each coin so like  always check the timestamps down below  hit the like button and before we get to  coin number six very quickly I do just  have to say I am not a registered  financial advisor I'm just sharing my  journey what works for me make your own  decisions number two investing in  cryptocurrency is incredibly risky  especially with this looming recession  the macro environment like it is so I'm  not saying that in 2023 these coins will  go parabolic but what I am saying is  that if in the next three six nine  months sometime next year if we see a  recession if we see a historic crash  these are some of the coins I'll be  picking up and holding for the long term  and of course number three while today's  video we will be more focusing on the  Blue Chips the high caps in a future  video I will be giving an updated video  on top altcoins that are low caps so hit  subscribe and comment down below which  coins you like you believe in for the  long term  okay let's jump in starting with coin  number six on today's list it has the  biggest Network effect for a reason  ethereum now I am going to assume at  this point we all know what ethereum is  but for those who don't if you want a  beginner's guide on how it's different  from the other cryptocurrencies why the  network is significant I will link this  video down below the real reason  ethereum will hit twenty thousand  dollars per coin great beginner's guide  on ethereum link down below but the  reason eth makes our list number six  today is because eth compared to all the  other major blockchains still has the  most developers the most apps and the  most activity on the network so even  though other chains may have more bells  and whistles maybe a little faster  ethereum still has the best fundamentals  and I'll show you the reason a coin  would go up in value is if it's actually  being used and the more dapps built on  these networks the more you need to hold  the coin to develop uses gas so looking  at the top blockchained apps right now  for all of these chains we can see  number one goes to uniswap ethereum's  main decks that's the most used app in  the world right now on ethereum number  two pancake swap in this case BNB wins  number three curve that's on ethereum  number four polygon proof of stake  bridge on ethereum number five unisoft  version 2 ethereum 0x on ethereum  Compound on ethereum whatever this is on  ethereum one inch on ethereum etc  etc you get the point out of the top 10  out of all these blockchains in  existence  ethereum's killing it  and what that means to you and me as  investors especially since the merge  Supply and circulation has gone way down  I love this chart this is eth Supply  since the merge this Gray Line  represents the old proof of work eth  this Orange Line represents bitcoin's  inflation every year coming in around  1.72 percent and then this blue line  represents eth post merge so much less  Supply coming into the ecosystem almost  deflationary and this is during a bear  Market usage for all blockchains is way  down right now but over these next few  years as defy nfts web 3 continue to  grow bigger ethereum will continue to  get stronger based on the building so  eth comes in at number six  coming in at number five on today's list  is polygon and let me share with you why  first off what is polygon polygon is a  layer 2 scaling solution for eth a way  to enjoy the benefits of ethereum  without the infamous gas fees that hurt  its users for those of you who want a  beginner's guide on what polygon is why  the Network's valuable I will link this  video down below these are Clips  directly from the co-founder why polygon  Matic will 100x in growth by 2030.  polygon video linked down below check it  out but the reason that Matic makes our  list today is because even through the  bear Market polygon is still seeing  outrageous growth in leadership in  adoption for example major players in  web 2 are coming into web 3 and joining  polygon  former EA exec Michael blank unjoining  polygon Studios and the promise of  blockchain gaming and he's not the only  one earlier this year YouTube's head of  gaming leaves YouTube to join blockchain  group polygon and of course we're seeing  major entities build on the network  Robinhood just debuted a new  non-custodial crypto wallet on the  polygon Network it's in beta testing  and of course as we reported the other  day both Facebook and Instagram users  can now issue nfts on the ethereum flow  and polygon Network that'll be a ton of  daily active users coming on to polygon  and next up coming in at coin number  four and then a different one of coin  number three a few coins off of the iso  20022 compliant crypto list so what does  this mean what is ISO 20022 and which  cryptos are on the list so here's the  definition and just understand  these are protocols that are used for  Bank communication and this definition  is sort of technical but ISO 20o 22  protocol is a standard for electronic  data interchange between Financial  Services in the payments industry it's  based on DLT distributed Ledger  technology and uses ISO 20o22 as a  messaging mechanism so this is a  regulatory framework that the  traditional Financial system has deemed  okay Banks worldwide have already  committed to this worldwide regulatory  framework which backs both Swift and the  Federal Reserve and as we move towards  this new Quantum Financial system any  third party that wants to interact with  banks must be able to use the iso 20022  format so as regulation for  cryptocurrency becomes more prevalent  this year and years to come this is what  the traditional system has deemed okay  with them  Banks and financial institutions  worldwide are entering a new era as they  gear up to switch their payment systems  from using Swift messages to now ISO  20022  a much more structured and data-rich  financial messaging standard by 2025 ISO  will be the global standard for high or  large value Payment Systems in all  Reserve currencies and it will handle  eighty percent of transactions and 87  percent of transaction value globally so  regulation is the trend and usually the  trend is your friend so we would be  remiss not to include some of these ISO  compliant cryptocurrencies and they are  as of now Stellar h-bar Iota xdc Ripple  algorand and Quant each of these cryptos  was developed to make Global  transactions more accessible and because  of this they could comply with the iso  20o 22 standard more quickly now  obviously this is just the start because  however as more cryptos do not want to  be left out of the worldwide payment  sector and move towards ISO compliancy  this list will only expand also by the  way just because you're on this list  doesn't make get a good coin just  because they follow ISO 20o 22  compliancy doesn't necessarily mean  they're a suitable investment  okay so what this means to you as an  investor as Swift the bank of England  the FED as all these major entities  start transferring value globally on  these ISO compliant networks let's keep  tabs on this list  for today if I had to name coins that I  like I would choose off of this list  number one I like algorand and algrand  is that blue chip L1 on this list in my  opinion as for a second option  you know I might just choose xrp even  though I'm not a long-term fundamental  believer I think they are accomplishing  more than you know some of these others  also if they win the case against the  SEC might be a good trade anyway that's  me comment down below which ISO  compliant coins you like  making our list and number two cardano  and let me share with you why this is  founder Charles hoskinson speaking  mainnet 2022 a conference on what  everybody gets wrong about cardano we  know that the network has some of the  best technology peer-reviewed papers we  know that cardano has a huge Grassroots  Community but as for what's coming next  now that the basil hard Fork is complete  listen to Charles Hoskins and explain  what to expect in 2023 and Beyond he'll  talk about nfts he'll talk about Hydra  he'll talk about people getting cardano  tattoos on their arms three minute clip  watch this but again my question is what  does success look like from an end usage  on the platform well you got a vendor  outside world mobile they're literally  building an ISP that's launching this  year on cardano's network with 2 million  users that's success  we're creating a micro office so let's  talk about those right that's launching  later this year anything else in the  meantime sure you're going to wear it  where you have 10 plus dexes on cardano  from Sunday swap the wing Riders some  are quite Innovative like wind Riders is  actually a hybrid that it runs on an  ethereum side chain of cardano with a  bridge to ethereum to bring a stable  coin in by the way that's the only hack  I've ever lost money in because Nomad  was hacked and I think I lost some coins  there but you know they run there's  men's swim Bob Mina jet is a stable coin  that Cody's launching it's a it's an  over reserved algorithmic stable coin  that's on and I argue much much better  design than Luna you got oracles that  are in the system that people are  developing orbis is doing a whole  roll-up solution for the system  um we have great Partnerships around  like one chains building a bridge to  cardano it's a rich and vibrant  ecosystem what I'm tired about is people  saying it's a ghost chain it's like just  go to cardano Cube and look at the damn  list and there's so many dapps that are  there we have a huge nft ecosystem over  5 million native assets have been  launched on cardano so we we have a  great ecosystem in that respect and we  can't be everything to everyone but I'm  pretty happy when you have Snoop Dogg's  son doing claymates on the system I'm  pretty happy when you have major  financial institutions say Hey how do we  get involved and support cardano and do  something a lot of Swiss bags are doing  I'm pretty happy when you've got guys  launching internet balloons and Zanzibar  and they find using utility inside the  ecosystem that's where we're at today in  a bear market and the key is can we keep  evolving and keep adding and keep  getting more functionality the other  thing is the co-evolution of the  technology so we have a technology  called Hydra it's uh like a state  Channel system we've been building this  is a product where we get to co-build it  with dap developers so every two weeks  there's a release cycle many of the DAP  developers want it for scale because  they want to do a lot of stuff off chain  so they come and give us requests and as  a Development Group and we've satisfied  that and makes their apps better that's  a vibrant ecosystem and it's it's  growing exponentially and I don't care  if it's 10 or 15 or 20 what I care about  is what is that metric of growth where  is it going to be in three years or five  years and when I look at everything from  the amount of users on chain to the  amount of delegated stake to the amount  of transactions which you guys record on  your own framework the amount of value  being moved everything actually is  growing on cardano at a pretty nice rate  meanwhile we keep what we have people  don't leave if they've tattooed the logo  on their body and name their kid Ada and  these types of things they're just not  going to leave so you keep what you have  you keep growing you keep getting more  capabilities and every time you do it  you leave no one behind because you have  backwards compatibility with what  they've built in the past which was  satoshi's point if you're going  everything at Bitcoin works the same way  as it worked January 3rd of 2009  similarly everything on cardano works  exactly the same way for a user who did  something in 2017 but there's just new  stuff for new users to use if they  choose to do that  okay give me your thoughts on cardano  down below  but coming in at coin number one of  coins to watch in 2023 is chain link and  we'll go over the stats in a second but  as this channel reported to you the  other day speaking of adoption Swift has  just partnered with a crypto data  provider chain link on a cross chain  protocol tradify play now why did they  do this well interest from institutional  investors moving into crypto has been  undeniable says Swift's strategy  director and to do this they chose chain  link  so Swift is now working with chain link  on a cross-chain interoperability  protocol ccip in an initial proof of  concept  ccip will enable Swift messages to  instruct on-chain token transfers  helping the inner Bank Network to be  able to communicate across all  blockchain environments the partnership  between chain link and Swift in  cross-chain interoperability will help  bridge the gap between traditional and  digital assets for tradify institutions  and now looking at the metrics which  just got released for this last quarter  in Q3 2022 the chain link ecosystem  expanded to now over 1500 plus projects  across 15 different blockchains key  Milestones over 6.18 trillion  transaction value enabled in 2022 4.2  billion plus data points delivered on  chain over 8 million Randomness requests  served as well as 15 000 plus GitHub  repos using chain link  and of course what this means to you and  me as investors is that even during a  bear Market the fundamental growth is  undeniable so that's the list comment  down below coins for a lower cap video  dropping soon and like always see you  tomorrow