hey hey good day welcome to the stocks  with Josh show well the markets almost  went green today before puttering out in  the last hour today is technical Tuesday  and we're going to do a thorough dive on  some of your favorite stocks but we're  going to start off by talking about some  crypto and most of crypto is in the  neutral or gray area today except for  three outliers I like to look at the  outliers because when the Market's not  doing great and you see a couple stocks  doing great it means they might move  faster and better than the rest of them  when the market picks back up again we  saw that xrp and Doge and shib were  today's outliers in crypto I also want  to cover some interesting articles on  the MooMoo app they do not charge for  their news as a subscription service but  in my opinion it is comparable to many  subscription news Services the first  article is pro Traders are working the  stock options Market this is very  important I talked with you guys about  this last week that Pro Traders were  betting on the market to go down they  had a record amount of puts purchased 10  billion dollars in puts expecting a  sudden and violent move to the downside  could that potentially be triggered by  this CPI report that we have a couple  days away from us I want to talk with  you guys a little bit about volatility  we can see the volatility index in the  vix or even the uvxy and it is at its  highest levels since June now a lot of  people consider that when volatility  gets to this level that it is signaling  a potential buy and go long scenario but  what we have to consider is that we're  in a volatile environment which means  that in the next week or two we might  see a move that is so violent that it  would trigger buying by itself it  doesn't mean enter it just means that  very very soon there's going to be a  great opportunity for people to enter  into stocks long and get a great price  for them that in my opinion is what the  smart money is doing with those 10  billion dollars in puts they're expect  acting a violent move down where as I've  said to you guys the analogy other  people are going to get tossed out of  their seats and they're going to jump  into those seats moving forward the  second article was by the IMF the  international monetary fund this is a  group of people that look at the  economies of the Nations they take a  global view of all the economies in the  world now what they said was that they  are revising down their 2023 World  growth estimate and they cited the  reason persistent Global inflation and  so this is actually bad news it means  that globally all the citizens of the  world are going to be less productive  make less money and make less products  okay and so you'd say well this is  terrible news Josh but remember what I  said to you guys in yesterday's video in  some cases bad news is going to be good  news and this is actually bad news  that's good news they specifically said  that the 2022 GDP will likely remain  unchanged there they've called for a 3.2  percent growth in 2022 which means that  for the remainder of this year they're  expecting that things are going to  continue to be strong but they're citing  that 2023 is the problem and they've  adjusted that down from 2.9 percent  growth which is already lower than the  growth expected this year so they're  going from 2.9 to 2.7 so they're telling  everybody that this economy is  absolutely going to be slowing down they  also said that there is an additional 25  percent chance that their numbers are  wrong and that the GDP could drop below  2 percent and here is a quote from the  IMF they've said as economies slow down  calls for a pivot toward looser monetary  conditions will inevitably become louder  so this is what they're saying that  there is going to be a global outcry for  looser monetary conditions and for  easing up and for pivoting so I think  that what they're saying is they're  sending a message to Mr Powell that you  need to get ready you can keep hiking as  long as you want in 2022 because your  economy is strong but in 2023 you better  get ready to fire up the old cash  printing machines and you better get  ready to start easing because we are  going to be in a recession in 2023 and  we don't need tight monetary policy and  here's the thing that's good for stocks  the recession is basically inflation  solved by itself and that is going to  return to a positive momentum for stocks  and here's the problem that Mr Powell  has he's behind the eight ball he is  late to the game and now he has to do  catch-up and my I've said it before in  my last conversation about him that he  has to out Hawk the Hawks he's trying to  rewrite his legacy at this point he did  not raise fast enough he called it  transitory when it wasn't transitory he  gave a 10-point basis point rate hike  when we were already seeing out of  control inflation a year ago and now he  has to do what he can do in the  remaining months of this year where the  market might still be strong because  everybody knows that the Market's  slowing down and next year he's going to  have to Pivot so really this is coming  down to the fact that we've got the  smart money with 10 billion dollars in  puts in an environment right now that's  the same as June that is conducive for  some negative news that could possibly  come out this week we could see a great  big leg down and then at that point we  could see the smart money beginning to  reverse and go long guys hit that like  for me and say hi in the comment section  subscribe to join the daily conversation  that we're having on this channel and  hit that Bell so you don't miss out on  any of these technical videos because  after all today is technical Tuesday and  I'm going to go into the charts on as  many stocks as I possibly can to sort of  catch you guys up on the opportunity  that I see in those stocks moving  forward go ahead and comment the stock  that you want covered next week on  technical Tuesdays so let's get into  those charts okay right now we're going  to start with the SPX and I'm just going  to point out to you that according to  our plan we had these three days down  and now we are looking at a one day up  and as I told you guys yesterday that I  am hoping or anticipating some form of a  move to come back and retest this line  of resistance in which we have two  Touches at at the moment I'm looking for  a third if we get a really bad report  ahead of us it wouldn't surprise me if  we simply Consolidated in this area  where we're currently at and then we  flushed down so it is not guaranteed  that we're going to get a move up but as  I've said before we are looking at a  past drop when we had this initial drop  and we moved had this massive move down  we spent a couple days faltering and  creating a double bottom we also had  this sort of this small run up and then  a repeat run down and then we got  another move up and an area of  consolidation and that's the same thing  we've seen here we're moving down we've  hit a spot of support we've run up we've  come back and tested it and now the  question is are we going to move up and  get another area of consolidation before  we move down or are we going to get a  move up and somehow come up with an  extremely low inflation report and get  some sort of a breakout and maybe even  come back up and test a higher level of  support which might be this one here  which we also have two touches on so  we're going to be just keeping an eye on  these things the other big thing that I  pointed out to you guys the other day  was this bullish Divergence on the S P I  love bullish Divergence because it's one  of the most powerful and simple signals  that the market gives us we always keep  an eye out for bullish Divergence and  that's what we've got right there on the  on the s p 500. okay now we're looking  at a daily chart of the U.S 10-year  treasury government bonds and as I've  pointed out to you guys in the past  these also have a inverse relationship  to the stock market which means that as  these move up the stock market moves  down we have potentially a double top  here we saw that it came back up to this  area of resistance it got rejected and  I'm simply going to point out to you  there's some additional move room for  this to move down tomorrow now if that  CPI inflation data report comes out  really bad then this could be an  opportunity for it to move much higher  and the stock market were to move down  but if it did not come out bad this  would be an opportunity for the U.S  10-year to possibly break this line of  support and create a new trend going  down now as we pointed out the SPX heads  bullish Divergence I want to point out  that the 10-year treasury bond yield  actually has bearish Divergence so we're  at the exact same height as we were just  some weeks back which is right here okay  but we have lacked the momentum of  buying on coming back to that exact same  spot here so this is actually bearish  Divergence which means that the 10-year  Government Bond could begin to be  setting up for a breakdown which would  be an absolutely bullish moment for  stocks I want to cover Quant with you  guys I haven't talked about it on this  channel much in the past I have been  purchasing Quant consistently with my  other top cryptos but I want to say that  I wish I had purchased more because  Quant has been defying the downward  trend of these markets from its June  lows it has absolutely been moving up  and only up and even though the market  is currently sitting on its lows here we  have Quant  pushing right up to its very top looking  for a breakout hitting this area of  resistance and possibly if we get a  breakout we could be going back to  all-time highs on this stock but I am  not saying to go and buy Quant I  actually would say be careful at this  point because it is if it fails this  particular breakout it could easily come  back and test this trend line and I  would actually tell you that you'd be  much safer looking for an entry around  120 dollars if you haven't gotten into  it before and you'd also want to make  sure that it held this in addition to  all that we have this other very bullish  story which I've talked with you guys  about many times when the red 100-day  moving average line crosses over the  green 200-day moving average line that  typically begins to say that there is  going to be a much longer transition up  for the crypto and so that's what we've  got right here that's a very bullish  signal and as you guys have heard me say  before the that when you're above the 50  percent mark on the RSI what do I say  the Bulls are in charge clearly the  Bulls are in charge of Quant so this is  one to keep an eye on not just now but  looking forward into the next Bull Run  look at this bullish momentum it's  incredible so now we're looking at  ticker tall t-a-l tall education you  guys know this was the trade that I  brought to you guys unfortunately on  this trade we've had a breakdown we were  trading this very solid trend line and  we we entered in right around here  looking for a very strong move to the  upside breaking up to around the Eight  dollar Mark was our Target but it really  just hasn't gotten it it failed this  movement it came back down and it was  feasible that we might have considered  getting out I had never entered a full  position but I thought to myself I had  entered around 20 percent here and my  game plan was to enter 40 when it came  back here and to accumulate in this  range But ultimately I had a stop loss  set I had adjusted it quite frequently  when we saw this breakdown my stop loss  of four dollars and forty cents got  triggered we saw this massive move down  yes we got a little bit of a green day  but I can't say I'm very bullish on this  stock simply because it hasn't performed  for me but I think it's extremely  important that I point out to you guys  something that we should keep in mind  about this stock if you have it and  you're holding it and you haven't gotten  kicked out of it which is where this  stock is at currently I'm going to point  out to you that from its June Lowe's  tall education is currently  136 percent above its June lows so this  is one of the reasons why I've I've  mentioned to you guys that there are a  lot of companies that had been beat up  too hard in the past already and are not  going to go back to their June lows here  we are where most stocks have moved back  all the way to their June lows or hit a  52-week low we saw that in a lot of the  big tech companies but here these guys  are a hundred and thirty six percent  above their June loans so even with this  drop I wouldn't say that tall education  is doing very badly my guess right now  is that it very much very likely might  come back up and test this line of  support and it might become a line of  resistance so I'm expecting that this  likely will get back to around the 5.14  mark pretty soon at the moment I haven't  gotten back into it because I've simply  got my eyes on other stocks and I've  been moving my money around in other and  Investments that I'm slightly more  bullish on in my opinion tall education  is still looking bullish but I haven't  made money on it yet so I'm trending to  go back to things I have made money on  okay this is Fuel Cell Energy fcel you  guys know that I got into this around  three dollars and six cents the other  day when it was on its lows we are  actually not doing so well with fuel  cell overall from the standpoint of it  currently sitting on its June lows right  here and so this hasn't had tremendously  bullish momentum however I have liked  this stock and I had made a ton of money  on this a year ago when it had run up so  much and I've been thinking that I  wanted to get back into it at some point  and when it came down here it was a  falling knife we saw it come and hit  this Mark back in February and we saw  this nice beautiful dead cat bounce but  eventually that got completely  eliminated in June and now I consider  this a a period of consolidation and so  anytime it comes down to this three  dollar Mark I've decided I'm going to  add to my position I want to caution you  I've done some technicals on this and I  think that it has a truer range of  support around two dollars so keep that  in mind if you want to get the very best  price to make the maximum profit and you  are not afraid of missing out then you  would consider accumulating this at two  dollars if it comes back there I myself  am imagining that this might be a level  of accumulation and consolidation and  I'm going to try to pick it up every  time it hits this range or begin to buy  between this range and the two dollar  range increasing my buys as I go down  you guys know how I taught you how to do  that with the verb you know if you start  off and you buy two hundred dollars here  then you would buy three hundred dollars  here and you would buy four hundred  dollars here and this will end up giving  you a much more dominant price moving  average so that's what I'm doing right  now with fuel cell I do have a stop loss  in directly because it popped up to 311  and it gave me a little bit of a range I  put a stop loss in at my Buy price which  again I think was 306 if I recall so I  could easily get flushed out of my  position and the reason why I have it in  because I just told you guys I'm going  to accumulate around three dollars is  we're moving into such a violent  potential move in the markets that if  this broke through this three dollar  support level which has been here for a  long time I would then expect that we  are going I will hold off a little while  and see where that new price down could  be could it be the two dollar range so  right now I've got a stop loss set at  306 if we hold the three dollars then  I'm going to just add to it over time if  we get a break I'm going to see if I can  get a better price around two dollars  that's the game plan with fuel cell I  can't tell you that there is very  bullish Divergence on the RSI if you  look at it there's that flat movement  which I pointed out to you before that  would show neutral neutral action on the  r on the RSI not bullish Divergence so  this is simply in keeping with the price  movement above which means that as the  price is moved up or down the buying  momentum has stayed consistent with it  the only thing I will tell you is that  in the area of support we're actually  sitting on an area of support right here  this area around the around the 40  percent Mark has been a buy range in the  past for people getting into this which  is kind of what we've we've covered here  that this has been a historical level of  support the three dollar range we have  to see if it holds up if it breaks  through my stop loss will kick in I  won't lose anything and I will then be  looking and eyeing two dollars I like  fuel cell I like the momentum that it  has it doubled in price from three  dollars to six to to almost seven  dollars when it moved so this thing  likes to move it has an audience and  that's the type of stock I like to get a  great price at because if it turns  around or a good news story comes out  it's not going to move from three  dollars to three dollars and fifty cents  it'll move from three dollars to six  dollars from two dollars to four dollars  so that's what I'm doing with my fuel  cell trade all right this is Sun opta s  t k l ticker s-t-k-l and in general I  just want to say that this is an example  of a bullish chart we had back here this  period of consolidation this sideways  movement and price compression which  I've talked with you guys about and  eventually we got this beautiful  breakout and the main thing I want to  point out to you is that ultimately led  to a crossover of the moving averages  the 100 above the 200 and we have  maintained it it has been steadily  moving up we're in another range of  potential consolidation but as long as  we stay above this 100 day moving  average I'm expecting a new leg up on  stkl so what we want to keep an eye on  for this one is that we don't lose the  100-day moving average and break beneath  it that would be bearish if we broke  beneath the 100-day moving average and  there's where your stop loss should be  set directly beneath it as the stock  moves up you can move up your stop loss  if the stock moves down and touches it  your last Zone would be around nine  dollars and that's when you'd want to  get out because if we lost the 100-day  moving average then we're probably going  to lose momentum on the trade and come  back and get back to the seven dollar  range or even the 650 range so we need  to be mindful of that right now the stkl  trade is in motion and I want to point  out here the same thing I pointed out on  tall that this is actually a 121 percent  up from its June lows and that's the  type of companies that we want to be in  right now because if they're doing well  when the Market's falling apart it means  they'll do better when the market  recovers okay this is chargepoint ticker  chpt and we have been trading this for  quite a while and we have a defined  range that I deter determined quite a  while ago between ten dollars and fifty  cents and thirteen dollars and as you  guys can see this is held up very well  if you have taken a position in charge  point at around thirteen dollars or  below you've had a couple times and a  couple opportunities to make that a  profitable trade a pretty profitable  trade we identified that the sell Zone  was was between Seventeen fifty and  nineteen fifty but one thing that I want  to point out is that you can see that  the sell Zone and the buy Zone have been  getting lower so here are the things  that I want to point out to you one I  want to point out that the RSI is flat  we don't have bullish Divergence that  doesn't necessarily mean that this isn't  an ideal environment to buy I also want  to point out to you that we're getting a  nice area a line here of support this  could continue forward we're getting a  little bit of a squeeze zone right now  though if this doesn't continue forward  and we get a break we could begin to see  that lower low that we had back at  around ten dollars and fifty cents but  in general if you have purchased it  between thirteen and ten dollars and  fifty cents it has proven to be a  profitable trade for you guys so I would  be keeping an eye on this and that you  have the entry point of 13 that you  would then slowly Fade Into Your  Position by buying gradually from 13  down to 10 of course considering that  your largest purchases would be around  ten dollars now we could see this line  of support hold and we could see it come  back up and retest this line of  resistance that has been slowly  descending that's where we're looking at  right now with chargepoint this has been  a profitable trade as there's been more  than one opportunity to get in and out  at a good price I want to take a minute  and look at ethereum and regards to all  cryptos Bitcoin is really the one that  you normally want to look at globally  but I will tell you that I'm actively  involved in a large ethereum trade I  brought it to your guys attention a  while back I bought right here at 1280  which had previously been resistance as  the crypto moved up we found that it  came back to 1280 and has been support  so I have a large position right now  sitting at 1280 and I'll be honest with  you I'm a little bit nervous because  we're definitely moving into a period of  what I'd call compression now  compression can be extremely bullish or  bearish what it basically means is that  the price range is tightening up and it  gets it's get ready for basically it's  going to shoot out one way or the other  and so we don't know which way all this  is going to go we know that there's  going to be some volatility ahead with  this inflation report but 1280 was my  position where I chose to buy and I am  positioned to see where it's going to go  the bullishness I want to point out on  ethereum right now is again that even  though this price has remained  consistent right or flat we see that  there is actually less  selling so so we see a bullish  Divergence on the RSI so if there wasn't  bullish Divergence on the RSI then this  would look more like this it would  basically be looking more similar the  selling patterns or the selling pressure  that measures the RSI would look very  similar to the flatness of the price but  that's not what we've got we have the  selling pressure is diminishing even  though the stock price is staying the  same so that is bullish I'm going to  refer to it as mild bullish but I also  see that we have compression here so we  are getting geared up for a pretty large  movement this was a period of of  consolidation but not quite compression  but you see that after it it gave us  this nice move up carry on network  ticker p-e-r-i I originally made this  call for you guys back on July 18th when  the stock was here and as you can see  that in general if you'd bought it that  day and held it you would largely been  up around 33 to 30 four percent so on  perion we have both a descending line of  resistance as well as an ascending line  of support and we've sort of been in a  stage of consolidation and price  compression and I believe that it's very  possible that if we continue this  bullish momentum and that 100-day  crosses back over the 200-day which we  had here okay if we get another  crossover we would then come up and test  this 2640 range we probably would move  up and then we would begin to have to  work against it to get a breakout and to  eventually move to all-time price highs  that's what's going on in perion of  course an area of consolidation and  compression like this could break down  and we could go back and test our  long-standing historic line of support  which is around the 1760 range which at  the moment that would probably be an  opportunity to buy because this stock  has overall been moving bullish  Sofi Technologies Sofia's Technologies  is nothing that I've actually ever  traded or owned but I get a lot of  requests for it so I'm just going to  give you some brief observations on the  technicals what I want you guys to learn  and take away from this conversation is  just some very simple things here look  on the RSI where do we have all of the  momentum we have the momentum which is  controlled by the Bears we know that  because it has largely been on the  bottom half of the chart this is the 50  percent mark this is the 30 percent Mark  and this is the 70 mark up top anything  below the 50 means the Bears are in  charge we know that very briefly the  Bulls made a move for it right here  which got a little bit of curvature of  the 100-day moving average but largely  the momentum has been flat there is not  bullish Divergence on the charts however  what I can say is that we are at an area  of support and so this could potentially  be an air area where accumulation would  be wise if you were bullish and you were  expecting that we would get another move  to the upside and the potential of the  100 Crossing the 200 but at the moment I  would say that there is not strong  bullish technicals coming from Sofi so  you've just got to keep that in mind if  I were owning it myself or bag holding  it I probably hold off on buying any  more and see what happened after  Thursday if we had a massive breakdown  then you have to ask yourself if you  want to accumulate because remember what  when a line of support gets broken  through it then becomes a line of  resistance so imagine Sofi at two  dollars and imagine that your goal is  for it to break back above its  long-standing line of support at five  dollars or 497. you've got to keep that  in mind so if we get a breakdown on Sofi  I'm going to tell you that it's likely  to go to two dollars if this this area  holds then and we get another move to  the upside then we would get this 100  day moving average line to begin to  curve up and eventually cross over the  green 200-day moving average line and  that could open up to an environment of  it returning to more of a bullish state  but at the moment to be clear it's  bearish in my eyes so hey we're going to  be looking at Tesla now and Tesla is a  controversial stock as I've told you  guys before I identified quite a while  ago that Tesla was in what I'm referring  to as distribution which typically  precedes an area of decline we saw that  in recent days Tesla has dropped from  you know around 320 all the way to 215  and so we have to ask ourselves are we  at a place of support where we could  potentially see a bounce and here's my  thoughts I want to just point out one  thing on the RSI that we are in oversold  territory and every single time that we  have come down and been and broken over  that 30 percent Mark and officially  entered into oversold territory it has  been a good idea to buy Tesla because a  big move up has followed so when the  last time we got oversold and we were at  220 well then there was a hundred to 120  dollar move to the upside impending and  here we are again we're in oversold  territory and so if I had to personally  make a buy I either wouldn't touch it or  I would go long on Tesla and imagine  that this is an opportunity and that we  might come back and retest this 320. we  could be in an extended period of of  accumulation or reconsolidation in Tesla  and so it wouldn't shock me if we got a  number of moves in that range between 2  220 and 320 or 210 and 310. so that's  kind of what I'm expecting I wouldn't go  against Tesla right now because there  could be an easy violent move up upwards  on Tesla but in that same breath if we  officially break this current range  right now that we're sitting at which is  around the two dollars and 215 dollar  range then yes we are likely going to go  and hit a  180 dollar Tesla if I were to buy Tesla  for me right now would be gambling  because I don't think the charts are  extremely clear but if I were to and buy  it I probably would choose to go long  because I don't think the Tesla story is  over I think it has a lot of bulls and  bears that fight over the direction and  I think there's more Bulls than Bears  who are who are going to be interested  in fighting over the long-term direction  of Tesla those technicals in this video  today were sponsored by MooMoo as always  you can get a link in the description of  the video so that you can download the  MooMoo app and join my community over on  MooMoo if you open and fund your account  you can get up to 15 stocks but if you  put in just one hundred dollars you're  guaranteed six chances at stocks valued  at two thousand dollars each get the  exchange get the free money and find me  over there for more conversations about  stocks and crypto that's it that's all  we've got time for today I'm again I'm  expecting tomorrow to be bullish and I'm  expecting Thursday to be volatile but we  covered some great stocks again let me  know in the comments section what you  want me to cover next week on technical  Tuesdays I'm covering crypto tomorrow as  the day I'm hoping will be bullish and  I'm going to bring you guys some  interesting insights into the crypto  market right now I hope you enjoyed the  technicals today as always peace and  blessings my friends we'll see you  tomorrow