in this video I'm going to be interviewing random people off the street about what they think about crypto in general stick around till the end if you're wondering why am I bothering doing any of this in the first place what's your name Tom cool man have you ever heard of cryptocurrency heard the word and no uh friends who are in that world even how to dive into it cool like which ones have you heard of cryptocurrency as a whole Bitcoin specifically yeah dollars coin if that's even Dogecoin yeah yeah I remember Dogecoin it's still around uh have you ever heard of uh newer ones like like hacks for example or specifically okay still dribbling water sorry it's all good uh so what's your thoughts about the future of it or where do you see it go I think it's awesome for people who don't live paycheck to paycheck I do okay so it's just definitely not anything that like if I remember told to dive into it they're like yeah if you just have an extra two grand laying around that you don't need right away or even before the next check then right it's a cool thing to have as uh you know just something that can invest and yeah same thing with like trading cards you don't you can't sell it right now but you gotta have the extra money yeah cool any other thoughts do you want to say about it or yeah really okay I mean I just know like just that world and I think everybody knows it as a whole has a very mean little thing but yeah yeah with knowing specifics I have no idea yeah I have friends who um keep track of their stocks and daily yeah I don't even know how to start so cool well it's still really new so yeah I appreciate it yeah man uh thanks yeah congratulations so my name is Matt hey Nick Nick nice to meet you yeah so what do you think about cryptocurrency have you heard much about it I mean a little bit um I don't know I'm definitely not an expert but I would say my thoughts on cryptocurrency are that it it's not backed by anything right so it would be dangerous like if you're an investment person like yeah if you had money in stocks or something that would be moving money over to crypto would be like a risky that that's my perception anyway yeah um I don't know a lot though I just feel like until it's like vetted more yeah I wouldn't put any of my money there so you need more time to make sure that it's not going anywhere more time and maybe like wider adoption yeah um like I know what's the South American country that adopted it yeah El Salvador El Salvador like I mean so that that perks up my ears if there were countries even if it wasn't like adopting it like El Salvador did if it was like just yeah cohabiting with their official like Sovereign currencies yeah that might make me feel better but the problem is that it's so volatile like it crashed hard a lot of my friends had money on it I was like that was that was a bad move you missed that one yeah yeah so have you heard of uh Bitcoin obviously obviously Bitcoin and what other ones have you heard of ethereum um uh Dogecoin yeah I'm trying to think it's like they like kind of come in one year yeah have you heard of these newer ones like uh hex for example or I haven't heard of hex pulse chain is another one no not Paul's chain okay um what was the one that uh there's like a a scandal recently with uh oh there's always a Celsius are you talking about maybe or it's like something plus and it's or maybe it's like ethereum plus so it's like an influencer or something a celebrity that well oh Paris Hilton definitely they just got sued for something yeah I can't keep up because there's a new scam every day you could be referring to anything that's true yeah ah there was plus token that's still like a billion dollars there's a Chinese Ponzi scheme yeah yeah yeah but yeah you gotta be careful of those that's true so that's why I wouldn't do it it's like I don't know yeah man well any last thoughts before we wrap it up um but what do you think the future of cryptocurrency is really going I mean definitely it's gonna happen because yeah everything could transactions are more digital all the time right and so like what China is doing where they're creating a digital version of their Sovereign currency right I can see that so maybe that's what happens instead of like cohabiting their or like coexistence between cryptocurrencies and Sovereign currencies maybe they make a digital edition of The Sovereign currency yeah it feels like not that weird of a stretch because they're coming you know actually yeah I mean some banks some countries are already making their digital dollars or whatever so yeah digital dollars they're like well they're working on it here but like for example China's already got that yeah that's the one I've heard about yeah yeah and then I think the European Union is working on theirs first and then we'll be late to the party but yeah what's new you know yeah well thank you hey nice to meet you yeah you too all right hey um my name is Matt I'm Desiree Desiree nice to meet you I have a cryptocurrency channel on YouTube and I was just wondering have you heard of um Bitcoin cryptocurrency what are your thoughts about all that I've heard it but I could not tell you what it is okay have you heard of uh Bitcoin yeah have you heard of any other cryptocurrencies not really not really okay do you think um do you think it's all like a fat or do you think it's uh the future or do you have any opinions I've heard like it's very bad for the environment like nfts and everything so yeah I think it's a good thing yeah that's definitely true to a degree um and nfts do you think anything about those think they're kind of stupid it's just a picture I I think so too are you into art at all yeah like real art yeah okay yeah not to bash nft guys sorry um but I I kind of agree so have you heard of newer things like hex or or pulse chain or these different I haven't I'm we're from Toronto so cool we have that up there but I haven't heard of that nice uh cool well any final thoughts about um about crypto in general no really no no okay well thanks I really appreciate it thought son so very good hi hi my name is Matt nice to meet you Matt nice to meet you um just wondering if you heard about cryptocurrency and Bitcoin and all that stuff yes yes are you into it semi yeah yeah which ones are you into um mainly keeping an eye on kind of Bitcoin ethereum because I know that those kind of hold structure to the crypto Market yeah yeah a couple coins here and there but I don't really keep track of kind of yeah small cap coins those are the big ones yeah yeah so you're following because a little bit said small cap I I know you're following something have you heard of uh like nfts and all that stuff yes have you heard of like uh some of the newer cryptocurrencies like uh the term defy yeah yes do you have anything like you keeping your eye on like which coins are those uh eight coin eight coin a little bit I know it's been down a little bit that's the nft one um it is it's relied to the board API Club yeah and a couple of the projects they had nice um but I have been paying attention to uh eight point for one um polka dots yeah dot um xrp a couple of them yeah yes have you heard of uh a coin called hex I've heard of it yeah I've heard of it I haven't looked into it though not too much okay what about uh pulse chain it's it's not out yet but I have heard of something cool any thoughts on those um kind of I just want to see more about them yeah definitely I want to learn more about them too nice I don't want to kind of say something without really knowing yeah well that's cool but I will definitely be looking into them you're the most educated person we've had so far I mean Chicago's a big crowd yeah I know you never know who you're gonna find well it's a beautiful background yeah beautiful day a good video background exactly exactly I hope your photography goes well I mean it's going as well as it could yeah that was my dad and we're just taking pictures yeah your name's Matt that's right oh so what are you doing here who's interviewing who here I'm okay I'm sorry so what I'm doing is I'm asking people about crypto and Bitcoin and if anyone's if you've heard anything about that and uh if you haven't that's fine I mean I've heard of Bitcoin and crypto and everything I'm not familiar with it at all okay so do you think it uh has a future do you think it's gonna be like a fad or so from what I have seen it is I can predict that we'll have a future okay that is my honest opinion please have a future cool I mean obviously since you know cash has become irrelevant I do believe that you know we're using cards and everything yeah and cryptos definitely got a future yeah so anything uh anything negative about it that you see or I can see I'm not too familiar with it yeah that's my last opinion which so I don't know too many negatives and positives about it okay so cool yeah appreciate your time Matt thank you thanks man all right so uh hey my name is Matt how are you doing Matt what's your name I'm Rick Rick all right uh so we're on a Channel about crypto and Bitcoin and all that stuff and I was wondering if you have any thoughts about um cryptocurrency in general yeah pretty bad yeah I don't know what to think about this yeah it's pretty new still I mean you've heard of Bitcoin yeah you heard any other ones uh any other cryptocurrencies uh yes but not that come to mind at the moment okay okay yeah so uh have you heard of like nfts yeah yeah and uh I'm not sure what those are yeah they're basically like digital art uh you know people are paying crazy high prices for them right now or they were and now everything crashed so uh have you heard of cryptos like uh hex or pulse chain hex I just I didn't say anything I shouldn't like uh Robin Hood you know stocks yeah yeah yeah do you use any of that any of that yourself I was yeah you've heard a Dogecoin right Doge Doge it's like the one that Elon Musk is talking about oh yeah okay well I mean do you think it's uh you think it's got a future or do you think it's like just a fad or crypto yeah in general oh I think it do have a future yeah yeah you think you'll ever put money into it yeah I I already did [ __ ] oh you did yeah nice on Robin Hood yeah and uh yeah that was uh I think PayPal is oh yeah Bitcoin yeah yeah I lost I lost it yeah it happens to everyone I'm down bad too I'm down like at least 80 percent probably more yeah I I think I do better with points back yeah yeah and so the markets are kind of kind of [ __ ] right now long story short indeed well any last thoughts before we wrap up well I'm looking forward to it bouncing back like yeah so you think it's coming back yeah me too nice all right yeah um so hey uh I'm Matt hey Mike what's up nice to meet you I'm Gregory Gregory cool so the questions are basically about uh cryptocurrency I was wondering if you heard of crypto Bitcoin all that stuff I have heard like the actual term and I know that is like this virtual coin yeah but I'm not actually like fan like I don't know how it works in America okay have you uh ever invested anything into it no okay I haven't do you have you heard of like the apps like uh coinbase or like Robin Hood that items no no it's still pretty early huh yeah so um have you heard of these other ones called like ethereum or a couple of other no I just heard like is this thing like you have to like invest in food and be and be aware of it but like the actual apps or how to use it either okay have you heard of uh any other cryptocurrencies besides Bitcoin um I think there's one that looks like um like I know like like the symbol but I don't know like like the action okay is it the dog maybe yeah okay um cool so that's pretty much it do you last question so do you think uh cryptocurrency has a future or do you think it's kind of a fad I think um from my point of view or from my perspective it gets like really complicated to get into it like I don't know like we chaps or maybe there's a lot of services and to communities but maybe if there's a way to like simplify it or like mainstream you know yeah like like it's a few steps and that's like maybe like a like a service that will do all that for you and in the users and just like you have to just pay money maybe if that happens it will have a future yeah right now it's like really complicated and maybe that gives you like not trusting you know yeah because it gets complicated so that would be like my my perspective all right I agree yeah uh thank you thank you I really appreciate it I'll take this back okay all right so uh my name is Matt how are you doing man I'm Rodney Rodney cool um so this channel is about cryptocurrency and like Bitcoin and all that okay so I was wondering if you've ever heard about anything like that or tell us a little bit about it yeah I'm not quite sure of the market yeah um seems to be kind of volatile to me from what I've seen from the past or now definitely yeah uh so have you heard of uh anything else besides Bitcoin uh a few other ones I think um I can't remember the site that I went to but it was um Incorporated all of them um like an exchange yeah there was an exchange I can't remember the name of it though coinbase maybe no Robin Hood is a popular one this one I'm sorry I'm gonna call me on guard with this one oh yeah um I can't remember the name of it but it was embodied all of them I think that you could go to and they give you all the tools first the knowledge behind them or the what the projections were I can't remember the name of it I'm sorry uh yeah so you have some experience then with uh investing or putting money into them actually no I just never really make the jump but I did look into it cool do you think uh you encryptos got like much of a future or um I was looking at the video on YouTube uh I can't remember no it was on Tick Tock okay the one who actually uh said that he had something to do with founding um Bitcoin and he was talking really negative about this outcome um background names um he said when you everybody finds out who actually invented Bitcoin who came up with the idea that everybody's gonna run away from it I can't remember this guy's name is the name Craig right I think it was Greg rice man yeah so I personally don't believe in person okay I I don't I mean I mean I'm not going to take one opinion of a person's opinion say that's what's gonna happen but he kind of like yeah kind of shot a negative light on it and then the fact the fact that how much it has fallen from I said yeah when I first heard of it it was uh 2016 I think yeah yeah it was really climbing the bottom yes and then the bottom just dropped out yeah so I kind of made me even scarier to take my what a little bit I already did have to actually investing and then it just crashed again yeah on top of all that so have you heard so you have one called hex no one called uh pulse chain no okay cool well um yeah I guess uh my last question is just um what do you think needs to happen for it to continue to be good to stay around from from what little I do know I think the more popularity of it and as far as meteor coverage of it how they seem to give it a shining a negative light yeah uh along with the fact that they they try to tie it to organize crime from what I've seen yeah the fact that you can move so much money across the world and that kind of makes people afraid to invest in something like that thinking the government is going to come in and take your money yeah I think that's one of the biggest issues so regulation is probably the biggest issue you definitely need it yeah so uh I'm Matt hey I'm Brian Brian nice to meet you so uh I wanted to ask about your thoughts on uh crypto and Bitcoin and all that have you heard of it and uh what do you think about it um I think it's an interesting idea especially the blockchain technology for sure yeah have you uh ever invested in anything like that um I haven't but I know of friends who have yeah have you heard of uh other ones like besides Bitcoin yes cool which ones uh ethereum um those coins yeah a few of those uh others that are outside the US but nice not yeah nothing major have you heard of one called hex hex yes I think I have yeah it's a newer one okay there's one called pulse chain have you heard of that one no oh that one actually doesn't exist yet so it's still in progress yeah um cool so it sounds like you know a little bit about it uh where do you think it's all going um I think right now is going with the market so you know the Market's down right now but I think as market like improves for crypto and the accessibility because obviously not everyone has like like access to like smartphones and things like that for sure so once that kind of takes off and the market improves I think it's going to follow tomorrow you're optimistic yeah cool uh well if it goes down then it's like the market goes down it already kind of crashed yeah right so uh yeah um cool I think uh I feel like I should feel like I should close out with like uh what do you what do you wish that was uh better about crypto things um probably just a little bit of the education because I think a lot of people just hear crypto and think that you know it's kind of like money but that's not really how it works it works more like an investment of his change so you exchanged like you know whatever like token or coin for something or cash and so I think more people need to think of it as that rather than actual like currency because it's not really like the fiat currency yeah like it's not like oh I can go and buy a Ferrari for X you know Bitcoin you can't get your cup of coffee yeah it can't get you a cup of coffee uh yeah so you think if people thought it was more a long-term investment rather than uh okay nice all right all right thank you take care man what did we learn through all that basically guys the point of all this whole thing was to show you how early we really still are in cryptocurrency okay you go ask 10 people on the street if they've ever heard of cryptocurrency yeah they've heard of it maybe they've heard of Bitcoin but it's too complicated to get in you know the price crashed or they're still so just watching it you know waiting to get in maybe someday and nobody knows how or why or what to buy it's still brand new so the point of this video is for people that might be on what I like to call the circle jerk that is Twitter and winner Echo chamber all day long we're only talking to each other and it's just like we're yelling at each other but we all agree already you go out into the real world out of Twitter into the scary real world outside of Twitter no one's really ever heard of crypto guys it's brand new to people it's a New Concept so we are still so early because 99.99999 of the human population has not heard about these up and coming assets like hex and Paul's chain yet right they might have heard of Bitcoin they might have heard of Dogecoin stuff like that from Elon Musk you know the popular memes and narratives but a lot of people haven't even dipped their feet into it really other than just hearing about uh some news articles or whatever it may be and so it's up to us you know we need to focus on reaching new people because adoption at the end of the day is really all that matters in crypto it's all about adoption and onboarding new people making it easier for them to get in quicker for them to be able to buy it and just have a better deeper understanding of how cryptos like hacks and pulse train are long-term Investments where you delay gratification these are all things that we need to help because we're shaping the new cryptocurrency landscape it's a complete digital Financial Revolution but it only works if we tell more people about it right how is anybody supposed to know about what's going on if we don't promote it so hopefully this shines the light on the fact of just how early we are and how much opportunity is still on the table because to me this smells like opportunity asking all these people talking to all them just made me realize how high we have to go in the future and what better time to get people in to these emerging assets you know stuff like hex and brand new stuff like pulse train and hex I mean bitcoin's a little bit old I know it's a little bit like outdated you could say in terms of the price potential but in the future right now hex is on a 90 discount and if it even Taps the all-time highs again that's basically a 20x from here and if it blows past all-time highs it's going to go into the hundreds if not thousands of x's and multiples of your return in the next full cycle and we all know these things are cyclical right so the more people we can tell about cryptocurrency in the bottom of the bear Market it's actually the best time to onboard new people and to just educate them right so this is really the best time to educate new people because they can experience all the opportunity of all that upside momentum that we're just building up right now and yeah we might be in a bear market for another six months maybe another year worst case you know but eventually it's going to come back guys all markets come back because as long as a meteor doesn't hit the earth and wipe us all out and the internet doesn't go offline I think cryptocurrency is here to stay and that's what I've heard from a lot of people too they know about crypto they think it's here to stay but they want to know more and a lot of them they seem like they're curious right they seem like they are eager to learn more and so I encourage everybody who might be watching this if you're new or if you've been here a while educate yourself now because now is the time guys now is the time 90 dip it doesn't get much better than this in terms of opportunity on the table for truly revolutionary and life-changing wealth so if we want to all get to Financial Freedom and that's the goal of cryptocurrency is Financial Freedom for the entire world we need to onboard the entire world and it starts with hex it starts with pulse chain so if you like this video if you want to see more like this video if you've got any ideas for kind of new content then drop me a comment below I'll read them and I'll try to respond to them but anyway thanks and I will see you on the next one